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Police squeeze could ‘encourage’ criminality, warns economist

Civitas, 14 March 2011

Government claims that police cuts will be made without endangering the public are dealt another blow this week. A new Civitas report finds that sudden police cuts could potentially trigger a vicious cycle of crime and disorder. In An Analysis of Crime and Crime Policy, Birmingham University economist Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay finds “a strong and negative relationship between [police] detection rates and crime”.

1 comments on “Police squeeze could ‘encourage’ criminality, warns economist”

  1. Have you noticed the number of BMW’s and landrovers in the police fleets. High spec cars and equipment. The police overspend on everything.
    The recent police website costs £300,000 to map crime but another citizens focused website based on donations does it for under £10,000

    This spending squeeze is the best thing to happen and stops the police acting like the money tap is never going to turn off.


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