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An evening in support of the London Boxing Academy

pete quentin, 9 May 2008

Wednesday 14th of May will see the inaugural London Boxing Academy Gala Dinner. The aim of the evening will be to raise awareness about and money for the invaluable work that the Academy is doing.

The London Boxing Academy project works with twenty-four pupils from low-income backgrounds who have struggled within mainstream education. The boxing element of the project fosters a level of self-control and discipline which has proven hugely beneficial to the Academy’s students, for whom behaviour has frequently been a major hurdle in their educational careers.
As important however, is the level of attention pupils get from the teaching staff at the Academy. The small pupil: teacher ratio means that teaching can be directly responsive to pupils’ particular weaknesses. Furthermore the teachers’ dedication, bolstered by the support they receive through the project’s organisation, means that pupils are not given-up on.
Impacting the lives and learning of older pupils is undeniably more of a challenge than it is to do so in the case of younger children. This is why the work which the Academy is doing is so significant. Successfully penetrating the problems which their pupils face, turning obstacles into lessons to learn from, the Academy is turning around the lives of young people for whom there simply wouldn’t otherwise be a second chance.
Tickets for the Gala Dinner are available by calling Will Hodson, the London Boxing Academy’s project manager, on 0207 799 6677.
Click here to read more about the work of the Academy.


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