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Secularism poses a worse threat to social cohesion than does Islamophobia

Civitas, 27 November 2007

In a follow-up piece in today’s Guardian Unlimited to his important debate on Islam last week with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ed Husain laments the woeful ignorance about that religion whch he claims is displayed by her and other ex-Muslims and non-Muslims who condemn it in toto on the strength of what he argues are only certain immoderate versions of it.
continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

1 comments on “Secularism poses a worse threat to social cohesion than does Islamophobia”

  1. We appear to be heading straight into an age of ignorance where reason is put to one side and belief and faith based on ancient writings becomes supreme. How did we get here and where is it taking us? One has to question the role of religious organisations have in running schools and so forth. My life has been in the sciences and all of this appears to me to be a drive backwards into some sort of medieval twilight.


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