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BBC Poll Results Belie Claim Britain Suffers from Rampant Islamophobia

nick cowen, 31 July 2007

To mark next month’s sixtieth anniversary of the independence of India and Pakistan, earlier this month the BBC Asian Network commissioned a poll of 500 young British citizens of south Asian extraction, aged between 16 and 34. A control group was also polled about the same matters made up of 235 young whites of comparable age currently residing in Britain. However, the results of the poll, whch were published yesterday, leave it unclear how many of these whites were British citizens as opposed to being immigrants from the EU.
The results of the poll make very interesting reading, but not for the reasons the BBC chose to highlight in its account of the poll issued on its website yesterday.
continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

1 comments on “BBC Poll Results Belie Claim Britain Suffers from Rampant Islamophobia”

  1. Islamaphobia is purley an invention by the likes of the (MCB) Muslim Council of Britian, to portray Muslims as victims. If it is exteme Muslims that are blowing themselves and innocent people to smitherenes then that is a fact and not a phobia.


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