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Sharia law in the UK

David Green, 30 April 2007

There are already some voices calling for personal Sharia law to be applied in parts of the UK. Is it anything to worry about? Recent German experience suggests that any such calls ought to be firmly resisted.
Continue reading at the Centre For Social Cohesion blog.

2 comments on “Sharia law in the UK”

  1. The mooted idiocy of permitting a parallel system of Sharia’h law in the UK is the defining debate of the present day and the future. This is the defining moment. It is a Trojan Horse and mst be denied. I believe I speak for the many.

  2. as a nigerian living in nigeria i would like to say that the British have provided the safe haven where such things can be asked for. it does not ever occur in the arab world. if this is allowed i can guarantee that you will have opened pandoras box. more regions will demand it and a takeover will not be easy to control.violation of the rights of others will be normal.that is what legalizing sharia law does. prevention they say is better than cure!


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