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Stop the Games! Why Londoners Shouldn’t be Afraid of being Called Spoil-Sports

Civitas, 16 November 2006

Were it not bad enough that those responsible for London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games unknowingly chose to stage them during Ramadan, when Muslim competitors would be seriously disadvantaged, today’s Times reports their estimated costs have spiralled by so much as to have caused the early resignation of the man appointed to oversee the massive construction programme of work that staging them there will make necessary. Whereas the initial bid put the estimated cost at £2.3 billion, current estimates now run at a staggering £6 billion.
Apparently at issue is how large a contingency fund needs to be built in to cover possible over-run. Ken Livingstone, among the most fervent and enthusiastic supporters of London hosting the Games, denies the need for any. The Treasury, on the other hand, he has said believes a contingency fund of 60% is needed.
Ever the astute politician, the Mayor warned Londoners that, should the Treasury’s estimate be accepted, they might have to face a further increase in Council Tax above the extra 38p per week that it has already been decided they will have to pay to help finance the Games.
Partly behind the staggering upwards revision in the estimated costs is rhe need for much tighter security in wake of the London tube bombings of July 2005.
Personally, I would not have waited a second after the appalling events of that day to announce a moratorium on all preparatory building work, pending the outcome of a special referendum of all Londoners asking whether they want the Games staged in their city. If ever an issue cried out for decision by local referendum, this is one.
While not relishing the idea of being accused of being a spoil-sport, in the event of such a referendum, I for one would be prepared to work untiringly of behalf of a no- vote. Wouldn’t you?

1 comments on “Stop the Games! Why Londoners Shouldn’t be Afraid of being Called Spoil-Sports”

  1. There was a no-campaign…maybe you missed it…
    but how can you fight against such massive propaganda campaigns as waged by the mayor…
    the London 2012 campaign was such a huge propaganda offensive, publically funded, that it was almost offensive to speak agains the Games.
    It is sad to say we live in a propaganda state, from the banal (One London – yes, sure, we’re all together – but what do your posters actually mean).
    to the sinister; like the continued ‘consultations’ for the Low Emissions zone which consistently say ‘no’ and are then run again.
    Or for the congestion charge, or the congestion charge western expansion.
    If you think you can fight against the vested interests that pump money towards the mayor and his coterie, you are sadly mistaken.
    This mayor, elected by a tiny fraction of Londoners, has done more than anyone to hurt the poor of this city through his regressive taxation measures. It is galling that this man who calls himself a socialist thinks so little of below median income Londoners and the costs we have to pay.
    Londoners, real Londoners who have lived here a long time are irrelevant compared to transient incomers on high or low budgets, British and foreign tourists and the corporate interests who support the mayor.
    I’m afraid your campaign would be killed at birth. Sad. But true.


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