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How Does It Feel To be Without a Home?… Like a Railing Steyn

Civitas, 2 November 2006

No one today writes better than Mark Steyn about the challenge facing Europe from its declining birth-rate combind with the high fertility rates of its various Muslim minorities.
An extract from his recent book America Alone is available on-line at the web-journal Macleans. Entitled ‘The future belongs to Islam’, it well worth reading. Those of a nervous disposition are advised to pour a stiff drink and keep it ready to hand before opening the link.

1 comments on “How Does It Feel To be Without a Home?… Like a Railing Steyn”

  1. Buy the book, we’ve all read the Steyn’s pieces on demographics over the years and they have been excellent. The extract is a generous taster, but the book needs to be read in its entirety to really appreciate the research and concentration that has led to this seminal work. Hard facts presented in riveting and hilarious prose. Today crowds of idiots were on the streets of Londonistan gulled by the greens and the government revenue men and their academic stooges – the flim-flam men. The ‘demonstraitors’ would have been better off staying at home and reading Steyns book. Tonight I saw an item on BBC News about a drive to recruit Muslims into the British Army. Positive discrimination – profiling! Tomorrow I expect to hear that foxes are being used to guard the poultry farms in Norfolk. Preparations for Dhimmitude are moving apace. Read the book and spread the word. It is the book that needed to be published and read by everyone who values the Anglosphere.


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