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Is It ‘Cos They’re White, Trev, that New Accession Immigrants Are Not Wanted?

Civitas, 27 October 2006

Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make EU members, especially if their former imperial links with third world countries have already resulted in their having previously undergone large-scale immigration from them.
Why that should be so has been very well explained by Carl Mortished in a ‘European Briefing’ article that appeared in Wednesday’s Times under the title ‘A black and white view of immigrants from Eastern Europe’.
Mortished points out that, because so many immigrants from the new accession East European member states are willing and now able to accept very low-paid jobs here, whatever feeble formal attempts might be made to prevent them, their coming here to work is likely to exacerbate the already very high unemployment rates among some of the country’s black and Asian and minorities, especially their young men.

This particular mix of ethnicities is a potentially explosive one in a quite literal sense. The situation has not been helped by the recent comment made by Britain’s race relations chief Trevor Phillips quoted in today’s Times. He said that East European immigrants are coming to Britain “with [unacceptable] attitudes towards black people which date back to the 1950s”.
That remark seems to me on a par with, and about as helpful to, harmonious race relations here as it would be for any comparable public figure to claim that adherents of some of Britain’s more recently settled faith groups have come here with unacceptable attitudes towards those not of similar faith that date back to the seventh century.
Phillips made some sensible critical remarks last year about multiculturalism,. Since his recent appointment as head of the country’s new quango for promoting equality and human rights, his more recent public pronouncements, such as this one and his recently voiced comments about the potentially inflammatory consequences of ministerial criticism of veil-wearing, suggest he no longer thinks he needs to court centre-ground and moderate mainstream public opinion and can now pursue the CRE’s long-stranding anti-white agenda.

1 comments on “Is It ‘Cos They’re White, Trev, that New Accession Immigrants Are Not Wanted?”

  1. Make a google search you will find related articles by scientists.
    On average:
    1. East Asians have the highest IQ. The black people, the lowest, the white people, a bit higher than the black people..
    2.the black children mature the earliest, the white children, a bit later, East Asians the latest. The black girls have their first period the earliest,the white girls,a bit later,East Asian girls,the latest.Low class animals mature early to survive by quantity.
    3.the black babies start walking at 11 months old, the white babies, 12months old, East Asian babies,13 months old. The black babies start talking the latest, the white babies, a bit earlier, East Asian babies, the earliest.
    4.The black are the most extrovert, the white, a bit more introvert, East Asians the most introvert
    5. The black have the strongest body , longest legs and the most turned-up hips, the white a bit weaker and shorter and a little less turned-up hips. East Asians the weakest and shortest, the flattest hips. Long legs and turned-up hips helped our ancestors escape animal chasing
    6.the black guys have the strongest sex drive, the white guys, a bit weaker, East Asian guys, the weakest.
    7.East Asians are the most mentally stable.the blacks,the most mentally unstable.
    8.The black mothers have the shortest pregnancy, the white mothers, a bit longer, East Asian mothers, the longest.
    9.The black mothers have the highest rate of twin babies, the white mothers, a bit lower, Eastenr Asian mothers, the lowest. Low class animals give birth to more than one baby at a time in order to survive by quantity.
    10. The blacks run the fastest,the white,a bit slowlier,East Asians,the slowliest.
    Being weak in body,high IQ, mentally stable, late to mature and start walking late, talking early, being introvert, having short legs and having long pregnancy…. are signs of being more evolved
    The black and the white are much closer with each other in genes than with East Asians.
    East Asians refers to the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans who have the highest IQ, are the weakest in body, the latest to mature, have the longest pregnancy, the shiest…so on.
    Now tell me which race is on top of the evolutionary chain? Is it a taboo to say that the blacks and the whites have lower IQ and run faster than East Asians? Now tell me why we East Asians enjoy watching the blacks and the whites running.


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